Kentucky - home of a certain recipe of fried-chicken. Strange then that we found it to be decidedly lacking in the poultry department, yet still full of things to do in the one day that we spent in the State of "unbridled spirit".
We left Nashville and Tenessee behind and headed on into our latest state, and within an hour spotted our first place of interest on the highway. The
National Corvette Museum
in Bowling Green. We felt slightly guilty pulling up outside in a Ford Mustang, and were very impressed with the "Corvette Only" parking bays outside the front door. The owners of these cars had more priority than disabled drivers! Inside we were greeted by a plethora of beautiful vehicles, all given the utmost care and attention in their lifetimes. It was well worth stopping off and viewing a slice of history about America's only real sports car.

Back on the road, and the Interstate took us along some surprisingly beautiful roads cut through rock and forest. A running theme throughout the trip so far has been my ability to come across road-works whenever I take a shift behind the wheel - and today was no exception. However, unlike the UK, this presents no real delay in travelling time, as everyone still pootles along at 65MPH.
Another hour into the drive and we noticed

on the map that we were running pretty close to
Fort Knox. Pulling up alongside the Army Base that encloses it, it became clear that there was no intention by the US Government to make this a tourist attraction. You can only pull up outside the base for 5 minutes at a time, and there are no guided tours. So it was a case of pull up, take a few clicks on the camera, and then push on. So we did.

Into the afternoon, and the change in timezone back from Central Time to Eastern brought us to Louisville on the Indiana border. Adam was determined to head into the city and buy himself a baseball bat from the
Slugger Museum. We parked up in a rather empty car park and walked up to pick up his stick. Now, it was at this point that we realised that we were pretty hungry. "No worries" we thought, "we're in Kentucky, we'll just find some chicken somewhere". This was not to be, as the city had a dearth of eateries of any kind, let alone one that would provide us with breaded-winged-creatures. Nevertheless, we made it to the Museum to buy Adam's personalised bat, that he's going to attempt to fit into his luggage on the journey home. We walked back to the car, and could take the hunger no longer. We made for the only eatery we could find - a White Castle. I say this now in the vain effort to prevent anyone ever going to one. AVOID LIKE THE BUBONIC PLAGUE - it was god awful. My burger tasted like a shepherds pie had been shoved into a small white bap. Horrid, horrid, horrid! And we were so looking forward to some chicken too! Still, at least the bat was cool....

Now playing:
Elvis Presley - Kentucky Rainvia FoxyTunes
1 comment:
That is an awesome bat. Keep on trucking.
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