Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Not-so-delicate preperation

So - 2 weeks to go, and you'd expect the trip to be intricately planned by now, yes? Well, not quite. You see, whilst we have planned a rough route across the Big Country, we haven't booked anything while we're out there, save for the first 2 nights accommodation on Daytona Beach. We just felt that half the adventure of the trip would come from the feeling of doing whatever the hell we want on a daily basis.

Problem is, that its started to have an effect on our overall attitude to the trip, in particular the details of what we need to have with us when we arrive Stateside. Now the obvious one is our tickets (check) and passport (check). Then there's the travel insurance (check) and the car-rental confirmation (check). So, along with a couple of large rucksacks full of clothes, toiletries, suntan lotion, and odour-eaters for Adam, you'd think we have everything pretty much covered. Turns out we haven't quite done everything we needed to do.

Yesterday I decided to buy myself a new wallet, as my old one was, well.... old, and full of holes. Anyway, upon transferring the contents of one wallet to another, I stumbled across my paper Counterpart Drivers Licence. "Oooo, I'm going to need that for the US trip" I thought to myself. Several hours passed until I realised that if I was surprised to find my paper licence, chances are Mr Swinhoe wouldn't have a clue where his was. So after sending him a text, I got a phonecall from a rather sleepy individual, and true to form, he'd lost it.

Now this is quit
e a big deal, as chances are Budget Rental - who are providing us with the Mustang - would only allow us to pick up the car with BOTH parts of our licence. Adam was straight onto the phone to the DVLA asking for a new licence at the princely sum of £17.50 (make sure you put that money to good use Mr Brown!!) Thankfully, they're sending one out to him first class in the post, but had we not thought about this sooner, it could have put a rather large hex on the whole trip.

Needless to say, I'm now thumbing over things in my head, to find out what else we've forgotten!

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